The Greeting Farm posted on Sunday for DT call, both Anya Team and Gardener DT...
I figured to give the gardener DT a try, what do I have to lose? I am a big fan of all the TGF stamps. I love Anya and Ian, and I know it is really hard to resist using Anya and Ian stamps. This way... it will give me an excuse to use other TGF stamps more. :-D
Ahhhh, the Cake Topper, one of my favorite stamp set. I want to have a Spring theme. They are so sweet. Super sharp powder blue tux and sparkle pretty pink dress.
The Pokey Trio are hilarious. They look like they are having tons of fun.... OMGosh, I just got another idea! Stay tune...
Well, off I go... before I forget :-P
wish me luck!
These are amazing! Good luck!