I want to thank
Cat for this award, you are totally awesome! Big thank you!
So, the rules are: Pass this award on to five people, post on their blog to let them know you have left this award to them, and then answer a list of questions in one word. (oh man, this is going to be real tough.)
1. Where is your mobile?... next to me
2. Your hair?.... black
3. Your Mother?... in Hong Kong
4. Your Father?... Heaven
5. Your favorite food?... noodles (japanese instant noodles)
6. Your Dream last night?... oh gosh.... about work...nooooooo
7. Your Fav Drink?....Bubble tea
8. Your Dream?...to have a money tree! LOL!
9. What room are you in?... craft
10. Your hobby?... papercraft and karate!
11. Fear?... bugs
12. Where do you want to be in 5 years?...continue to be happy, healthy :)
13. Where were you last night?... working
14. Somthing that you aren't?...fake
15. Muffins... Blueberry
16. Wish List item?...everything, LOL!
17. Where did you grow up?...Hong Kong
18. Last thing you did?...had noodles for supper, yummm...
19. What are you wearing?...T-shirt and jeans
20. Your TV?...big
21. Pets?...a 16 years old lovebird "Motley" & 3 years old black cat "Stewie"
22. Friends?.... good ones
23. Mood?...happy
24. Life?...good
25. Missing someone?...my dad who is in heaven
26. Vehicle?... Mazda
27. Something you're not wearing?... shoes
28. Fav store?... lots...
29. Fav color?... pink
30. When was last time you laughed?... now
31. Last time you cried?...a few days ago after I found out my godfather diagnosed with cancer for the third time.
32. Best friend?... hubby
33. One place that I go to over & over?... Aruba, Hawaii, local scrapbook store (the Paper Tree)
34. Facebook?... yes!
35. Fav place to eat?...everywhere!!! :)
Now to pass it on... I wanted to pass it on to all my blogger friends, but I can only pick 5.
Rachel, and